Monday 26 November 2007


Isn't the technology of today such a wonderful thing. Without such technology, I would not be able to write this post, which I am doing right now! Technology is also the reason I have spent the last ten minutes of my life waiting for the blog to load. But, it is not all bad... technology has allowed me to give a suggestion to Mrs.Sudbery from the comfort of my study.

I would ask... "is it possible that you can set us some exam questions from the previous terms work, as well as what we are doing now."

I would also reccomend that every student should start a study group. I have. It is even better if you can convince an A grade student to be in it as well because they can teach you! I feel much more confident just after a two hour session!

To conclude, I hate computers, but this is quite good. (I especially hate the tills at my work)


Mrs Sudbery said...

Thanks for that, Evie! A very eloquent (not to mention amusing!) post from someone who supposedly hates technology!

2 great ideas about revision. I agree, your study group is a fantastic idea and I'm delighted that you're finding it so useful.

With regards to practice exam questions, if you click on the 'Revision Resources' link on the right-hand side of our blog page (in the green box), it'll take you to some questions on empirical formulae and structural formulae and isomerism. That's all so far, but I'll keep adding bits and pieces over the next few days.

KatieLander said...

hi, erm just thinking about evies study idea...mayb it would be quite helpful to pair yr13's & 12's together because then yr 13's can go over anything they need for their retakes and help the yr 12's in preparing for their not sure maybe this would only really apply to me and chalotte as were doing the januray exam but i thought it might be helpful...what do people think??

Mrs Sudbery said...

That sounds like a great idea, Katie, and I'm sure that you would all get a lot out of it. Is it something that you can sort out for yourselves or would you like me to coordinate?

Thanks for your contribution!