Thursday 29 November 2007

progress review day work

can someone please explain what we have to do for question 3 a on the steel story questions.

do we have to write out the complexes as if the ligands were added one after the other, starting with the lowest Kstab, and going up or what???


Kelly said...

I'm not too sure but new complexes are most likely to form when they are more stable, and the higher the stability constant, the more stable it is.

So the larger the stability constant, the more likely a new complex will form.
I think we just have to write down the complex ion from the table that is the most likely to form, i.e. most stable

Is that any help?

Mrs Sudbery said...

Thanks for that, Kelly. You've got exactly the right idea about using stability constants to determine the RELATIVE stability of complexes. Also, if you add the ligands in the order given in the table, which complexes would form and which would not?

I know that I'm a bit over-enthusiastic about this blogging thing at the moment(it's like a new toy!) but isn't it great that you can use it to help each other like this?!!

KatieLander said...

zane im glad you asked that because that was just what i was about myself, i got to the question and was ahhh, so thanx kelly as well hopefully i can attempt it properly now!