Wednesday 28 November 2007

New resources uploaded

I have uploaded some more practice questions on q=mcT, empirical formulae and radioactive decay/nuclear fusion (as requested by Ben, Alex and Damon!) which you can access through the 'Revision resources' link on the righthand side of the blog page or by clicking on the title of this post.

If you are in Year 13, please click on the link (also to the right, in the green box) to access the work that I have set for Progress Review Day - to be completed by our lesson on Monday, please.

1 comment:

KatieLander said...

hi miss, is there any chance you could email me the worksheets you wanted done for monday as for some reason its not completing its download to my computer??? i know it works because i downloaded a whole load of the yr 12 questions yesterday for my revision but for some reason this ones not working!!!