Friday 30 November 2007

Reaction Kinetics

Hi...was just wondering how much detail people had gone into in their research on reaction kinetics, for example if they'd done notes and stuff on things like how the size of particle of a solid reactant affects the speeds of reactions, or if for the moment just noting simple facts like that is enough??? Thanx Katie

Thursday 29 November 2007

progress review day work

can someone please explain what we have to do for question 3 a on the steel story questions.

do we have to write out the complexes as if the ligands were added one after the other, starting with the lowest Kstab, and going up or what???

Wednesday 28 November 2007

New resources uploaded

I have uploaded some more practice questions on q=mcT, empirical formulae and radioactive decay/nuclear fusion (as requested by Ben, Alex and Damon!) which you can access through the 'Revision resources' link on the righthand side of the blog page or by clicking on the title of this post.

If you are in Year 13, please click on the link (also to the right, in the green box) to access the work that I have set for Progress Review Day - to be completed by our lesson on Monday, please.

Welcome to Year 13 chemists!

Welcome to our Year 13 chemists who should now be starting to visit the blog too. So far, the majority of resources that you can access from the blog are limited to the Year 12 modules, but you will also find links to some websites that will help with Year 13 work too. Please start to use the Year 12 revision resources to go back over the work for your retakes in January, especially those concepts that you do not feel you understood particularly well last year.

I look forward to reading your posts and comments, and hope that this will become a useful resource for you all in terms of asking for help, keeping up to date with work (even if you are away from school!) and communicating better with both staff and each other. In the longer-term, I would even like to see it being used so that you can support and tutor each other.

Happy blogging!

Tuesday 27 November 2007

Empirical formulae


I'm a bit rusty at empirical formulas so please can i have some more revision sheets to do in my study group... and if any one else is extra good at them could they help :):)

Our ΔH values for burning hexane (from the lesson)

Please add your final values of a) q (in J) and b) ΔH (in kJ/mol) for the combustion of hexane that you will have calculated following our practical in Monday's lesson, by writing a new comment to this post.

Once we have all 6 values of q and ΔH (one set of values from each pair), we can calculate the average and think about how close our values are to a) each other and b) the theoretical value, suggesting reasons for any differences.

Please make sure that your pair's q and ΔH values are added to this post by the end of Wednesday, 28th November.

Monday 26 November 2007


Isn't the technology of today such a wonderful thing. Without such technology, I would not be able to write this post, which I am doing right now! Technology is also the reason I have spent the last ten minutes of my life waiting for the blog to load. But, it is not all bad... technology has allowed me to give a suggestion to Mrs.Sudbery from the comfort of my study.

I would ask... "is it possible that you can set us some exam questions from the previous terms work, as well as what we are doing now."

I would also reccomend that every student should start a study group. I have. It is even better if you can convince an A grade student to be in it as well because they can teach you! I feel much more confident just after a two hour session!

To conclude, I hate computers, but this is quite good. (I especially hate the tills at my work)


Hi miss,
have you got any worksheets or questions on radioactivity which I can work on so that I can get to grips with it.


Sunday 25 November 2007


Welcome to our new Chemistry blog! We hope that this blog will help improve communication between staff and students, and enable us to support you in developing your understanding of the concepts that are covered in lessons - and, in the longer-term, ensure that you achieve your target grade!

Your (constructive!) comments about this blog and any suggestions about what you would like to be included on it, would be welcomed. We look forward to hearing from you!