Monday 28 January 2008


Just out of plain curiousity ... what percentage is this years individual investigations for like the overall grade? I keep forgetting to ask... its bugging me.
Love from your most intelectually challenged student :D


Mrs Sudbery said...

Hi Charlotte. Your individual investigation is worth a possible 15% of your overall A2 grade, with the exam you've just done making up another 15% and the final exam in June worth 20%.

How has your experimental work gone over the last few days? Are the bananas working?!

lottylindsey said...

Woww so its quite a high percentage of our overall grade then really!

Yeah the banana's arent doing too bad! Ive done the expereiments wher i have just changed the Ph of the buffer solutions... think im going to redo a couple 'cause the results looked a bit dodgy but part from that was ok :D
Going to mess around with the waterbath this week...and Ive heard it is a bit ofa dodgy character like my old colorimiter that i been using! hehe it best behave for me! so you rekkon 5 different temperatures with two different concentrations... like you said to Vongai to get a decent grade? If i have time i might have a look at the point of denaturing too...

cheekymonkey said...

I am the most interlectually challenged student...