Thursday 3 January 2008

The countdown begins!

Just a reminder (as if you need it!) that your AS Chemistry exam is now less than a week away - next Thursday, 10th January (in the morning).

I hope your revision is going well and that you're all feeling on top of things. You should be revising for a few hours every day at this stage and I would suggest using the tick lists to help you to structure your revision and focus on your weaker areas.

I will be regularly logging on over the next few days, so please feel free to email me with any concerns, queries or work to be marked. Alternatively, you could make use of the blog and start your own post!

Please make the most of the next 6 days to ensure that you go into the exam feeling as confident as possible. Please don't kid yourselves that it's possible to achieve a grade at AS level without putting in a great deal of hard work.

And remember - if you haven't already started your revision, IT'S NOT TOO LATE but it soon will be! Stay calm, draft out a revision timetable for the next 6 days and get down to it!

I look forward to receiving your completed revision tasks on the first day back, which I will do my best to mark by Tuesday so that you have time to act on my feedback.


Rosy said...

hi miss i hope you're having a nice holiday.

I have been revising by consolodating all my notes and getting someone to test me on them. I have also been completing the practise papers, which i feel slightly more confident on now!

However, i have not completed many revision sheets as i feel i have done relevant ones and have found revising my notes a great help! i hope this is ok? although i will try to do some more before the exam. Also there are a few calcultion questions that i have found difficult if we could go over them in class?

Rosy said...

me agen.....

I have done the test paper 11 jan 06 but the mark scheme is not on the ocr website:( realy anoyed as i wanted to find out answers! is there any way that you have it? or know where i can find it?

Mrs Sudbery said...

Hi Rosy,

I have emailed you the Jan 2006 markscheme and also the exam papers and markschemes from 2005 just in case you have time on your hands! They're quite big documents so please let me know if you don't get the emails or if you can't download the attachments! :)

alex said...

hi miss,
1) i have done a lot of practice questions but some are quite easy and i dont think they will be in the exam... i no its late notice but could i get a past paper to see what im capable of getting.

2) if this exam is in the morning will i be doin psychology straight after??

Mrs Sudbery said...

Hi Alex,

Have you had a go at the 2006 and 2007 past exam papers that are on the blog (just click on the relevant links in the right-hand column)?

I will also email you the 2005 papers later on.

We always have this problem with Chemistry and Psychology being at the same time. In the past, we have left it up to individual students to decide which one they do first. But yes, you will do one exam after the other, although I would guess that you will be given a short (supervised) break in between.

Hope this helps! :)