Wednesday 9 January 2008

Good luck!

I just wanted to wish you luck with your final preparations for your Chemistry exam in the morning and to let you know that I'll be online this evening if you wish to ask me any last minute questions!

Some final pieces of advice....

  • Make sure you have a good night's sleep and remember to eat a good breakfast in the morning.
  • Don't forget your calculator!
  • Read each question carefully and make sure you answer the question that is actually written on the exam paper, not the question that you THINK is there.
  • Look at the number of marks for each question and use it to help you structure your answer. E.g. 2 marks = 2 bullet points.
  • Stay calm and focus on everything you DO know - not on what you don't!!
  • Try and leave time at the end to check your work.
  • Do your best and have confidence that you can do well!

Good luck and feel free to come and find me after your exam if you want to let off some steam about how it went!

Chemistry lessons will begin again on Monday, Lesson 5.

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