Thursday 31 January 2008

I've been rescued!

Don't worry everybody... I have been saved in an extremely heroic fashion by none other than Ben Lindsey! Without him i would have been lost... let us all take a moment to thank the lord for bringing him to this world. He is our saviour ...

I Have A Headache

Ok ... I am very near crying, will someone please tell me what I can do about my lack of results for our coursework. I have tried to contact everyone, but this is only three people as I don't have an other emails etc. I need results for Butan-1-ol,-2-ol and propan-2-ol.
I cannot co anything else without them.. the blog is my last hope....
Please somebody help me! :(

Monday 28 January 2008


Just out of plain curiousity ... what percentage is this years individual investigations for like the overall grade? I keep forgetting to ask... its bugging me.
Love from your most intelectually challenged student :D

Saturday 12 January 2008

Open Book Paper

Now that your first AS exam is over (and I hope you're all enjoying some relaxation time over the weekend after a busy few weeks of revising!) we can start to think ahead - there's no rest for the wicked, after all!

  • Unit 2850 'Chemistry for Life' - Made up of 2 taught modules. September - December. 30% of your overall AS grade. Exam date: Thursday, 10th January 2008
  • Unit 2852/01 : Open Book Paper - completed during homework time during a 2 week period between 14th February and 30th April. 15% of your overall AS grade.
  • Unit 2852/02: Experimental Skills - completed in lesson time to assess your planning, implementing, analysing and evaluating skills (already started with Miss Bendle). 15% of your overall AS grade.
  • Unit 2848 'Chemistry of Natural Resources' - Made up of 3 taught modules. January - May. 40% of your overall AS grade. Exam date: Wednesday, 4th June 2008

The Open Book paper is completed during a 2 week period any time between 14th February and 30th April, which needs to be agreed on by all of you. Please have a think about whether you have any coursework deadlines or other important work to do between these dates so that we can plan when to set the Open Book paper.

We have received confirmation that the topic of this year's Open Book paper is nuclear fusion and fission reactions, which would explain why there were no questions on this in your exam on Thursday! We would recommend that you start to find suitable references (including textbooks and websites) on this topic and make sure that you are 100% confident about the subject content related to our work on stars.

Wednesday 9 January 2008

Good luck!

I just wanted to wish you luck with your final preparations for your Chemistry exam in the morning and to let you know that I'll be online this evening if you wish to ask me any last minute questions!

Some final pieces of advice....

  • Make sure you have a good night's sleep and remember to eat a good breakfast in the morning.
  • Don't forget your calculator!
  • Read each question carefully and make sure you answer the question that is actually written on the exam paper, not the question that you THINK is there.
  • Look at the number of marks for each question and use it to help you structure your answer. E.g. 2 marks = 2 bullet points.
  • Stay calm and focus on everything you DO know - not on what you don't!!
  • Try and leave time at the end to check your work.
  • Do your best and have confidence that you can do well!

Good luck and feel free to come and find me after your exam if you want to let off some steam about how it went!

Chemistry lessons will begin again on Monday, Lesson 5.

Sunday 6 January 2008

miss bendle help

miss bendle, can i have a word with you about my individual investigation tomorrow as i am stuck and my brain has frozen!!!

Friday 4 January 2008


i started doing the sheets a while ago and i have no idea on one question!

How is carbon monoxide formed in an internal combustion engine?

can anyone help :)

Thursday 3 January 2008

The countdown begins!

Just a reminder (as if you need it!) that your AS Chemistry exam is now less than a week away - next Thursday, 10th January (in the morning).

I hope your revision is going well and that you're all feeling on top of things. You should be revising for a few hours every day at this stage and I would suggest using the tick lists to help you to structure your revision and focus on your weaker areas.

I will be regularly logging on over the next few days, so please feel free to email me with any concerns, queries or work to be marked. Alternatively, you could make use of the blog and start your own post!

Please make the most of the next 6 days to ensure that you go into the exam feeling as confident as possible. Please don't kid yourselves that it's possible to achieve a grade at AS level without putting in a great deal of hard work.

And remember - if you haven't already started your revision, IT'S NOT TOO LATE but it soon will be! Stay calm, draft out a revision timetable for the next 6 days and get down to it!

I look forward to receiving your completed revision tasks on the first day back, which I will do my best to mark by Tuesday so that you have time to act on my feedback.

Wednesday 2 January 2008

The Investigation Thing

Right... i know we have to have what we've done about it in for monday and whatnot.
Me and Charlotte are discussing what actually needs being given in.
For example, i have written a page or so on just background information, a paragraph on hazards and am about to write up my preliminary method, and results table before going on to explain what i will be using my preliminary results for and how i'm going to take the investigation further.
Have i just gone and done too much or waffled or what?
arg i've started panicking
and also lost the ability to spell by the looks of it


Hess's Law (Too many s's..)

I think I missed the lesson we did on this, and Tom tried explaining, but I'm still more or less lost as to what it actually is?

I know to change the arrow bit around then if its +'s they become -'s... blah blah I know that bit.

But.. what IS Hess's Law?

I tried google but it was distinctly unhelpful on the subject :(