Tuesday 4 December 2007

New resources uploaded

Just to let you know that I have at last added some revision resources for those of you who are retaking Unit 2848 in January - on halogens and working out oxidation states only so far, but I'll keep adding.

Also, for Year 12 students and those of you who are retaking Unit 2850, I have uploaded some questions on describing and explaining the trends in physical properties across Period 3 and down Group 2. Please have a go at these, especially those of you who identified this as being a weaker area in your test on Monday.

ALL OF THE RESOURCES MENTIONED CAN BE FOUND BY CLICKING ON THE RELEVANT UNIT UNDER 'Revision resources' ON THE RIGHTHAND SIDE OF THIS PAGE. (Once you reach the list of available resources on the next page, I would suggest right-clicking on the links and doing 'Save Target As', as this seems to take less time although you may still need to be patient!)

Remember that all of the tick lists and some practice exam papers are available if you follow the relevant links on the blog. Please take advantage of this AND USE THEM - let me know if you're having trouble accessing them in any way and I will print off paper copies for you.

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